Food, Glorious Food
Some updates on what we’re up to, as its been a little quiet on the blog recently.
We’re currently working on Set #3 of our Fridge Lingo fridge magnets.
If you’ve been following the blog, you’ll note that Set #3 is about Food. Hence the “Food, Glorious Food” title 🙂
Given the lack of feedback from clients, this one is another lets just see how it goes style production.
Our initial topics added are 水果 (Fruit), 菜 (Vegetables), 饮料 (Drinks), 香料 (Spices), 量词 (Measure Words) and other 常用的 (Basics) like 牛奶(Milk), 鸡蛋(Eggs) and 米饭(Rice).
We’d love some comments, suggestions, or even photo’s of our sets in use on your Fridge, or other surfaces.
Tags: Food Glorious Food, fridge lingo, fridge magnets, set #3